Harrison White – A Reliable Mortgage Broker in Burlington
You may be asking yourself: Why use a mortgage broker in Burlington? Isn’t it just as good to just go into a branch of your local bank and talk to their mortgage person? Or, how about just researching your options over the web, with an online mortgage provider? The answer is no. The benefits you will receive by working with a professional mortgage broker are undeniable, especially if you are self-employed. If you are looking for a mortgage broker in the Burlington area, then it is recommended that you make an appointment with Harrison White at HW Advantage. Read on for more mortgage broker information.
Buying your first house and getting your first mortgage can be an overwhelming experience. Thanks to soaring housing prices, new mortgage laws, and calculating mortgage interest, many find the process of applying for a mortgage to be the most intimidating part. While many turns to Canada’s big banks to help them secure a mortgage, refinance, or renew a mortgage, more and more people are turning to a mortgage broker. Why should you use a mortgage broker? Below is a list of some of the top reasons to choose a mortgage broker over a traditional bank or lender:
We represent YOU
One of the top reasons to use a mortgage broker is that they are financial experts that work on your behalf and not on behalf of a particular bank. A loan officer at a big bank works for just the one bank. And they get paid by the bank, either through commissions or salary, or a combination of both. This means they will only recommend their own financial products to you, whether they suit your needs or not, just so they can sell something. Or, because they get a salary, they may not be looking out for your best interest. Instead of being limited to one set of financial products from one lending institution, a mortgage broker works with hundreds of different lenders to make sure you get the best-priced, best-structured financial product possible.
A mortgage broker in Burlington can save you time
What else does a mortgage broker do for you? A mortgage broker will help you save time and do all the legwork when it comes to paperwork and negotiating with a lender. On top of that, they can help you get preapproved for a mortgage. Also, going forward, they can be your personal contact for everything related to your financing. At HW Advantage, we don’t just find the best mortgage rates possible, but we also help you establish and maintain a financial plan to pay down your mortgage a fast as possible.
Let us help you secure a mortgage, even in unfavourable circumstances
Because of stricter mortgage laws in Canada, it’s become difficult for those with bad credit, who are self-employed, have low or unstable income, have a short record of employment, or have declared bankruptcy to get a mortgage with a traditional lender. A mortgage broker in Burlington can help those turned down by traditional lenders secure loans. That’s because they work with hundreds of different lenders and specialized institutions, many of which specialize in helping those with bruised credit get a mortgage.
For more information about Harrison White and why you should choose HW Advantage as your mortgage broker in Burlington, please feel free to continue browsing through our website. Contact Harrison White and the HW Advantage Mortgage team at 905-541-6961 or by filling out our contact form below.
For more information about how to get the best possible mortgage, and about our services with Harrison White and HW Advantage Team in Burlington, please feel free to continue browsing through our website.