Satisfying the terms of your mortgage approval can be a daunting task and often stressful. Our team at HW Advantage provides you with the guidance you need to ensure you have everything in order to close without delay (as much as possible). That is the advantage of working with a broker… we know what you need and take the guesswork out of the process.
In order to satisfy the conditions of your mortgage, so your mortgage funds properly on your closing date, you’ll receive a checklist from us, like the one below that shares what documents you specifically need to close your mortgage on time and with as little hassle as possible. This is just a sample… the individual points and needs will depend on your unique mortgage situation.
Dear Name,
This is your customized list to help you understand exactly what documents are required to meet the conditions of your mortgage. All documents can be in hard copy, photocopy or electronic (pdf) form.
• Signed [Bank/Lender] Mortgage Commitment
• Purchase & Sale Agreement for the sale of [EXISTING HOME ADDRESS]
• Purchase & Sale Agreement for [NEW HOME ADDRESS]
• Void cheque
• Letter of Employment
• Recent Pay Stub (within last 30 days)
• Down payment verification
Note: [Bank/Lender] has the right to request additional documentation if what is provided is deemed to be insufficient.
Please ensure all documents are submitted AT LEAST 10 business days prior to closing to ensure a wonderful and comfortable experience.
Please call me with any questions.
Harrison White
Licence # M12000299
HW Advantage – Expert Mortgage Services
It’s as simple as that… If you are looking at securing a new mortgage or renewing your mortgage, give our HW Advantage team a call or contact us using the form below.